Eight Things To Do With Your Car Now

With another hike in petrol prices (more than 10%!), here are eight things that you can do with your car to save/make money. Of course none of it involves (considerable) use of fuel! 😀

1. Thattukadas/Roadsideeateries

Car Thattukada

Car Thattukada in Trivandrum (www.trivandrumlife.com)

Thattukadas are Kerala’s definition of roadside eating / Street food.

2. Boot fairs/Flea Markets

Car Boot Fair

Car Boot Fair

Boot fairs is selling items from the trunk/boot of your car. I saw a boot fair happening in Kent.

3. Interior Decoration

Car Interior Decor

Car for Interior Decoration


4.  Car Garden

With your car not moving out of your garage here is a nice way to convert your garage into your private garden.

Car Garden

Car Garden (www.apartmenttherapy.com)


5. Extra Bedroom… ‘Non-AC’ of course!

Car Bedroom

Car Bedroom


6. Storeroom

Car Storeroom

Car Storeroom


7. Personal Gym

Car Gym

Car Gym

Car Gym



8. Petrol Savings Account

Petrol Savings Account

Petrol Savings Account

Gone are the days of saving money and gold. Here is a simple trick. Fill your tank to the full capacity and hold on to it until the next fuel price hike (which will be very soon) and then siphon off the petrol and sell it away at the higher price!

In a few months, you could end up with more than 10% returns!

4 thoughts on “Eight Things To Do With Your Car Now

  1. Thanks Yuvraj! Should have thought of the last one two days back (before the price hike) and it would have been better! But u know, with fuel prices there is always a next time very soon 😛

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