Open Letter to Vodafone Customer Care

Dear Vodafone Customer Carers,

I must tell you that after one entire day gone between us to sort out the issue with my Blackberry connection, I have decided to concede defeat. YOU ARE HOPELESS!

It is high time that you adapt to some ‘Faster, Smarter, Better’ customer service as well, because otherwise the poor zoozoos will starve to death as we customers back out one by one. Here is what happened with me. Thought you might be interested.

I have
1. Dialled your customer service numbers more than fifteen times today in the last ten hours.
2. Heard “I am very sorry for the inconvenience, I will surely help you” almost ten times from random customer executives (some of them who did not have the slightest clue as to why I had called in!)
3. Waited for at least one of your associate in the BB team to turn up, for more than two hours!
4. Described the problem to five of your associates, who promised me action within 1 hour, 2 hours and 4 hours.

But at the end of all this, things have not gotten any better at my end!!!

And to top it all, the IVRS now religiously tells me “Sorry, the service is unavailable now!”. This in spite of my confirming with the concerned personnel that the service will be available beyond office working hours.

I am ready to share complete details of the problem and steps taken if you are interested, and assure me that you would get my phone back in service.

And I must addl here that this inaction is highly disappointing and has affected my day to day business. This is not the only time I have experienced negligient response from your customer care team.


5 thoughts on “Open Letter to Vodafone Customer Care

  1. >dude.. airtel are worse.. trust me on this… when i called their bb helpline, and the IVRS said u don't have the service.. lmao.. that too after calling them over and over n over.. i have lost count how many times i called them… i changed to vodafone now.. till now, it s okay… lets hope ur problem gets resolved…

  2. >I have got a call from a Vodafone executive minutes after I sent the mail, and that itself is a highly positive sign! 🙂

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